Thursday, September 14, 2006


Dearest friends,

Update time. Brandon and I decided to do extra work full time, so we will see how that goes. I put in my two weeks at Starbucks and the Manager suggested that I just work two days a month and keep my free coffee and discount...AWESOME! Brandon and I are lookign to get headshots and start submitting to agencies. Brandon and I found a newsletter that tells what needs agencies have. A lot of them have "specialty needs" like identical twins. That looks like a good avenue. We have written a lot of stand up, but havn't really gotten a chance to preform b/c I work mornings at starbucks and Brandon works all the time into the evening doing extra work. Hung out with Tommy Snider which was really fun. He has his own show and Brandon and I are writting some stuff to submit to him to use in his show. We'll see how that goes. Still pretty lonely. Brandon and I pretty much keep to ourselves. We still feel called here so we're excited to see what opportunities God opens for us. I always try to keep in mind why I came down here and what I really love to do. Brandon and I want to take improve classes from the groundlings, but they are SO expensive. I want to use my money wisely and make it last, but I also want to keep in my why I am down here and trust that God will provide. That's a lesson I think i'm learning. I havn't really had to rely on God for provision in the sense that I have nothing and God suddenly provides. I hope to be stretched thin to be able to do this. Anyway, keep sending your prayers and messages...


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