Sunday, October 08, 2006

Matthew Perry Has a Dirty Mouth

Dear readers,

Wanted to apologize for the lack of bloggin'. We just purchased a digital camera so you will soon be seeing more pictures. As for the website, we will be adding more pics. We have no way to really make any videos, so I have no idea the next time we will be able to update those. Ok, back to the action. Brandon and I received two SAG vouchers for the Bones thing, so we each need one more to join SAG. We met a guy from Puyallup on a set whose name is Jed Williams. He's awsome. So I was shooting for Studio 60, and one of the "stars" is Matthew Perry. He kept screwing up his lines and then in a dead silent moment, he yelled, "MOTHER F*#KER!" I couldn't stop laughing. So funny to hear Chandler Bing start talking like a sailor. I also want to mention that yesterday on ER, I got to cross in a shot in front of John Stamos. That's right, uncle Jessie himself ahahah. Brandon and I had our first audition this past week for a Nike commercial. It was fun but we were really unproffesional. We didn't have headshots or a resume plus we didn't dress the same. All the other twins dressed the same and most of them brought their managers. It was a learning experience to say the least. I had fun because the audition was basically us goofing off in front of a camera for 5 minutes. We didn't get called back hehehhe. Everything is going pretty well. Brandon and I are doing extra work full time and trying to book audtions. We are getting headshots this week. Also, our audition for the Groundlings is this upcoming Friday. Classes have already started, so after the audition, we will have to wait 2-3 months for another cycle to start. We want to try to get on at an agency, but I feel we will have trouble because we have no resume. We did high school plays, that's about it. So we will see. We still hang at the Ryan's house from time to time. That's always fun. We havn't had too much time to do stand up but we do it about every two weeks. Random note: I shot for he season fenale of Survivor and I know who wins...hahahahah...but I signed 3 pages of documents saying I wouldn't tell you. I got paid 100$ to skateboard in the back of the shots for 3 hours at Venice Beach. Pretty good day of work. Keep your prayers up. We miss you all badly!


Blogger ABZ Extreme Staff said...

$100 dollars for 3 hours of having fun, that is awesome!

7:32 AM  
Blogger Katherine Laine said...

keep up the hard work

8:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Love Matthew Perry. How many twins auditions do you go to? Get your act together dudes!

2:38 PM  

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