Saturday, May 26, 2007

Insert Clever Title Here

Dearest Readers,

Salutation to your faces. Let's begin with the old and move forward, eh? I randomly got a call from Tommy Snider about going to a Shiny Toy Guns concert for free. Apparently, he had an extra VIP pass. I ran down to Hollywood and Vine and went in. It was amazing. Afterwords, we got to go back stage and hang out with the band. I hung out mostly with Tommy's new mananger, because we didn't know anyone. We joked around a lot and I think I made a good impression. Then I come to find out he's an ex-agent for ICM, probably one of the biggest and well know agencies in the industry. Possible future? Who knows? Patrick and Taylor came and visited us which blew my socks straight off my lil tosies. It was great lying in the sun and watching Patrick through some game at a girl that was sun-bathing. Watch out ladies, Patrick is SMOOTH. Here's a pic of us at the UCB theater:
Well after this lil ordeal, b and I paid a visit to good ol Washington to see the p-rents and some good friends. When I got of the plane, I was astonished at how clean and fresh the air was. It was amazing to see all my friends and family again. It was great to see people doing normal things. It feels everything but normal here in Hollywood, which I am slowly figuring out is not really a good thing. MAN it was good to see you all. We threw a dance party and Tay spun on some of his new digital turn tables. Being back was very interesting. You have your friends but it's just not the same. Being out of people's lives for nine months and jumping in is a very peculiar thing. I guess I just forget that people are constantly changing as well as myself. It's kind of sad thing really, even though it is bound to happen. I would like to be part of my friends lives, but the truth is that i'm here in Hollywood, and most of them are in Washington moving on with their lives. I miss my friends. I guess it's just sort of a mourning process. Here's some pics.
Alrighty Then. Some Hollywood news. Well it's dead season for the ol' industry, so there is not much to tell. Well, there is a couple of things. I got to audition for a new show called, "Heartland." I was auditioning for a part of a teenager who walks into a video arcade, blows a bunch of people away, then blows himself away. How the heck do you audition for that? By the way, the character's name is Duane. Well I go in and the director is like "hey dude, sit down. Where ya from?" "Seattle" "No way dude, I'm from Capital Hill." "Really?" "Cool man, well we just wanted to see you and your personality, thanks for auditioning." "WTF?" How the heck are you supposed to find if an actor can pull off an intense scene like that by one question, "Dude, where you from?" Should have I pulled out an imaginary gun and screamed, "I'm from the deep recesses of Hell, dude, and I need some new neighbors!" and just pretend to blow away their whole production crew? Oh, Hollywood. Brandon got to audition for a Skittles commercial in which he got to wear fake utters. Kewl. Well, apparently Brandon made it into the final cut of Pirates 3 so go watch him get hung. YAY!

We also got a new camera and have made a couple of videos. They are called "Don't Do the Drugs" and "Remember Memorial Day." Check them out:

Our lease is up in early August, and we have to make a decision to stay here or go home. It's a pretty dang tough decision. B is pretty much set on going home. I'm still debating. I'm really not sure. I don't really feel pulled in one way or the other. I've been applying for positions at Warner Bros, Lionsgate Films and others, but to no avail. Please pray for decernment and wisdom for B and I. I will write another blog about our decisions and try to recap the year. For now, I'll leave you with a creepy Dad pic.

Thanks dad.
The Twins

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Smart Slacks and Gauntlets

Dearest Readers,

Hello there from Hollywood land. Things have been going a lot better than the last 3 months. Heres why. I actually booked a national Levis' commercial. Here's the story. I auditioned for the commercial over 3 months ago and never heard back. about two weeks ago I got a random call from my agent telling me I was on avail (availablity) for the commercial. I was super stoked. Two days later I got called from my agent telling me I was taken off an avail and needed to audition again. So I drove over to Santa Monica and auditioned again. I had to pretend I was shy and improv with a girl at a bar. Apparently they liked it and I got called and hour later by my agent telling me that I was back on avail. So then I actually got officially booked like 2 days later. Hurray. So I went to the fitting and every other principal in the commercial are professional models. They all got fitted and tailored for sweet looking Levis. I looked at the sign in sheet and next to my name was the character name "geek." So they fitted me with slacks and a yellow button-up shirt complete with a backpack as big as me. Apparently I look like a geek...So the commercial. It was a night shoot and they closed down Melrose for it. My call time was 9pm but I didn't shoot till 5:30 AM. So after hair and make-up, I just sat in a trailor for 8 hours. I was getting really worried they were going to skip my part because it was 5:30AM and the sun was starting to come up. But htey called me and rushed to do my shots before the sun came up...Oh...I had to bump into the lead girl...yup..that's it...two auditions to bump into a girl. Awesome...I found out the cinematographer for the comercial is the one that did Pan's Labyrnth - the one that wom an academy award. Also, the make-up lady did hair and make up for Grindhouse. So apparently Levis dumped tons of money into hopefully I actaully make the final cut of the commercial. It show sometime during the summer. Gosh I hope I don't get edited out. Anyway, that is a huge's some pics:
Here I am with Taylor (cool guy). I love my smart slacks and backpack.
Here I am with the main girl from the commercial. It was fun bumping into her. Sometimes I threw some bows to keep her on her toes.

To do that commercial I had to join SAG (Screen Actors Guild) which is a pretty big deal. The joing fee is normally around 1500$. So I went to the SAG office and the lady is like "That will be 2300$." I about pooped and peed. So I had to pretty much empty my bank account, but I am finally in a guild. Yay. Travis Wals came for a visit and we had a super fun time. He came on an audition with us for Snickers. We also went to see MadTV do improv. It was so good seeing a really good friend again. Here's a pic:

Wow he is a handsome man. A handsome SINGLE man. Ladies? Gentlemen?

Ummm...Brandon got to audition for the show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. He is supposed to play a stoner. Kewl. He hasn't heard anything back yet. I went to a lumberjack b-day party for Jared Hanson. Here's some pics:

Fun times. Brandon and I have been writing some sketches to perform at the UCB (Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater). It was been fun. THe short we wrote for Nick Thune is actually looking like it is going to be produced, so we are excited for that. Let's just say I've already bought an adult gauntlet and a skeleton arm. We are coming home May 2- May 9th, so Seattle get ready! thank you so much for your prayers and everything. Be sure to pray for VT. Also, pick up a copy of the new album from The Almost. It's really good!
The Twins

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Friends are Important

Dearest readers,

Firstly, I just wanted to apologize for taking so long to update everything. On to the festivities. So here we go. Brandon and I were interviewing at a fancy dining establishment. During the interview, it appeared that they were fliming a movie. The appearance proved to be true. So after again being denied employment, Brandon and I were hastely making our exit when we ran into none other Danny Glover. He looked a bit dishelved. Here's a pic of him in better days:
Go get em' Danny. Let's see. Brandon has gotten a job at a very prominant dining facility called Social Hollywood. He's seen/met a number of celebritites. Here's the list so far:
Sandra Bullock

Forrest Whitaker

Mary J. Blige

Tito Ortiz Women's Role Model

So that's pretty neato. Well. Oh the commercial I did for AXE body spray has just been released. If you would like to view it you can at I also filmed for a short of the book, The Giving Tree. That was fun and that should be up relatively shortly. Also, we recieved a huge blessing when Sir Patrick Engleheart came and visited us during his spring break. We had a lot of fun. We saw a Groundlings show, went to a movie at the Archlight Cinemas, shopped at overpriced stores in Melrose, waleked rodeo drive, drove to Long Beach, went to an Irish pub and drank a Guiness, and saw a show at the famous Hollywood Improv. At the improv, we meet comedian Nick Swardson who was consequently dead drunk:
We had a lot of fun with Patrick. It was a really big blessing to have him here. It reminded me that there are good people in the world. Here's a cool model pick of him on Melrose and other pictures from his stay:
They had it coming...
Aw good times. I went to the Ryan's this weekend and was visited by Buck, Noelle, Nasen, Abbey, Carly, and Leah. It was really good to see friends again. It makes me want to go home. Oh yeah. i worked at a Hollywood club for two days and experienced life at its fullest. I cleaned up puke, got bruned by three cigarettes, saw exotic dancing in booths, almost got punched by a security guard, and to top it off, stopped people from having sex in a VIP room. You know what, I am just overcome with hope for the human race right now. We are definately progressing forwards. We are really msiin' everyone back home. I don't really know what's going on here. I don't like living here and I'm really lonely. Maybe it's a sign. Kepp praying for B and me, we need it. We will hopefully be visiting the second week of May, so be ready.
Love you all,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Voodoo Dolls, Bodyspray, and Whipped Cream

Dearest readers,

Greetings from apartment 211 at the ol' Canyon Drive Manor. A lot has been happening so let's not stop to dilly-daddle, ok? First of all, let's start with Brandon. Brandon indeed got a part in a pilot made for NBC. He was casted as the "emo" kid. They gave him this huge black wig and a voodoo doll that looked exactly like him. Anyway, there is a part where Brandon pricks the voodoo doll and grunts in pain followed by a moan in ecstasy. Brandon decided to improv and said a line they actually kept. After moaning in ecstasy, Brandon moaned "Ah My Chemical Romance." They liked it and hopefully it makes it inot the pilot. Hopefully the pilot gets picked up and you guys could actually see it on TV. Who knows. Chances are slim, but there still is hope. Here's a pic of the cast for B's scene:

YEAH! yay for television. Ok I have some more exciting news. I actually got booked on an AXE bodyspray commercial.

I am still a bit leary about endorsing a product which basically says, "if you use this, you will get laid." I went to audition for a different AXE commercial at first, which was random. On the callback, I had to sit in a chair while a girl straddled me pouring whip cream on my chest. So Awkward. I could tell the girl didn't want to do it and I also didn't really want to do it. Picture this: I am sitting there with a girl straddling me, pouring whipcream on my chest, the director saying, "Now moan in ecstacy, moan." WOW. Ok I started to leave feeling dejected and they told me they wanted me to audition for another AXE commercial. I was there, so why not? This one went better. I had to pretend to be enthralled with a girl and walk up and hit on her. All our friends know B and me can creepily hit on women with uncanny brilliance. So I creepily walked up to the back of her and stood way to close for comfort. She turned around startled and I started to hit on her. All the people in the audition room started to laugh, so I kept going. I did it 5 more times, just being super creepy, smelling her hair, and making weird moves toward her. Anyway, it was fun. I got called three hours later saying I got it. So I filmed it yesterday, and it was an experience. I was a bit intimidated. It took place at a bowling alley. They had trailors for hair, make-up, production, crew, catering, and our own personal one. They had 17 extras for my scene. Nuts. So anyway, the filming went really well. I don't want to give anything away, but I think the commercial is going to be really funny. I got a lot of good feedback from the director, producer, and the copywriter who wrote the commercial. I think they said it would air in March sometime...anyway I'll give you guys a link to it when it comes out. They also shot the other commercial I auditioned for at the bowling alley. You know the one, the female rape with some dairy products? Anyway, the girls and guys in those commercials were really cool. Here's some pics:

(Here's a pic of me and Yvonne who played the poor girl I had to hit on. Apparently, it worked. Yay.)
(Here's a pic of the two beautiful women (Lina & Jaime) in the other AXE commercial. We watched some TV on the 42" flat screen tv in the trailor. Sheesh commercials are TOUGH.)
So we still can't seem to get jobs. The commercial and pilot help out a lot. They are total blessings. We are worrying about money and feeling dejected from being unemployed, then this happens. Oh the commercial was SAG so now I'm SAG eligiable which RoXors me. Now I just have to pay the 1600$ joining fee. Awesome. We have had interviews and everything, but still to know avail. DANG. Please pray for night jobs that pay us enough to live. It's still really lonely w/o any of you guys here. We miss you much. Anyway, Thanks for all your support and stickin' with us.
The Twins

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Uh - Uh- UhUhUh - UPDATE!!!!

Dearest Readers,

Why hello there, it's good to see you again. Let the randomness ensue. Brandon and I got a call from our agent a day before our cousin's wedding, letting us know that we had an audition to play the twin sons of Bob Vance on our favorite show, The Office:

We neerly pooped and peed our pants. We left at night and drove 6 hours back from Arizona and promptly arrived in Hollywood at 3:30 AM. We were a little dissappointed when we arrived at the audition. The script asked for to twins 20-29 who were tall. The actor who plays Bob Vance is 6'4. Brandon and I play teenagers and are a staggering 5'8. Well, we did do the audition anyway. Let's just say the audition involved me calling Michael Scott a "douchebag." Wonderful. We started our classes with the Groundlings. Let me tell you, improv classes will kick you right in the taint. The Groundlings have tons of rules you have to memorize while trying to improv. Our class pretty much got their butts handed to them. Well, it is a learning experience. To my suprise, we had a sub teacher the first day and guess who it was:

That's right. Mindy Sterling. You might remember her as Frau Farbissina from the Austin Powers' movies. She is super nice and fun. Awesome. I auditioned for a part in a Jon Heder (Nepoleon Dynomite) movie to basically make-out with his love interest in the movie. I didn't get it but they wanted me to play the make-out guy's best friend. So I am in the shot and the director wanted me to make fun of Jon, but then later changed his mind and told me I couldn't say any lines. Talk about some blue balls. He should have just kicked me in the nards. Anyway, I at least got to talk with Jon Heder and see Jeff Daniels, so that was neat. Brandon auditioned to be an emo kid on a new pilot by Barats and Bereta ( Those are the guys who make all those youtube videos. Anyway, we dresed up brandon all emo and he went for it. He got called today with the casting director telling him that he is on hold, or on a veil. This means Brandon basically has the part but they are waiting for other stuff to be more concrete (script, location, etc.) So Brandon might actually get to be in a pilot episode for their show, which is cool. Hopefully it gets picked up. Let's see. Oh yeah. For the last two weeks, Brandon and I have tried to find night jobs pretty much anywhere and have ridden the Rejection Railroad home everytime. We can't even get busser jobs. I have a $100,000 private college degree yet I'm not qualified to clean someone's dirty dishes. Go figure. Please pray for nightjobs. Also, Nick Thune called us and asked us to write a short for him. So Brandon and I have been working on that a lot. We love it. It's what we really want to do here, so that's awesome. Hopefully we actually end up doing it. Random note: Today I had an audition for AXE body spray that consisted of this: I had to sit in a chair while a girl behind me pretended to pour whip cream down my face. Next, I had to pretend I was on fire while the girl tried to put me out with a fire extinguisher. I went ballistic. I screamed at the top of my lungs and spazed out to the extreme. When I left everyone in the casting studio was staring at me. I love Hollywood. Anyway, we've been missing the heck out of our friends and family. Keep praying for us, we need it.


The Twins

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Red Knight Going Down…Down, Down, Down

Dearest Readers,

Ok Brandon and I have been gone out of Hollywood for quite awhile so there is much to tell. Sorry, no exciting Hollywood-ish type stories but a lot of great real-life ones. For Christmas, Brandon and I ventured over to the magnificent Lake Elsinore area where we stayed at Shane Ryan’s house. It was amazing. To actually be with a good friend and a great family was such a great change of pace from our lonely one bedroom in Hollywood. I mean, we lived like kings. Real beds instead of a blow-up full mattress Brandon and I share. We even got to eat fruit and vegetables which Brando and I had not consumed in more than a month (Don’t worry mom, Easy Mac™ takes good care of us.) One day, Shane took us back in some hills and we went cave exploring. We found this one:

We had a little Mag-Light™ and I took the lead and went deep into the depths of the cave with the name “Chronic Town” graffitied all over its walls. Well we didn’t find any marijuana, but what we did find was a good scare. About 50 yards into the cave, there was a tiny hole that one could barely squeeze through. I took the flashlight and started to squeeze. All of a sudden, I heard the shuffling of rocks in front of me in the room I was trying to squeeze into. I shot out of that whole faster than (insert intelligent, witty expression). I have not been that frightened since my childhood. We ran out to the entrance of the cave and I was so frantic that I railed an overhang with the top of my head. Ouch. After we got out I was still quivering from the adrenaline and thought, “this was SO fun.” It roused up feelings I had not felt since I was a kid. I dunno, I guess when you get into a routine of work and trying to be successful, it’s exhilarating and a welcomed break to do things small kids would do. Brandon and I went to a Christmas service at Shane’s church dressed up:

(Ok I normally wear pajamas on Christmas Eve, but the only pajamas I had were my Grandmother's. Sometimes, I even creep myself out.)

After staying with the Ryan household, Brandon and I started driving to Arizona to see my parents and see my cousin get married. On the way, Brandon and I made a stop at the Thunderbird Resort in Palm Springs to visit Kyle and Amy Evans. Gerald Ford owned a house near where we were staying. His body was there while Brandon and I were there. Creepy/Neat. We saw Rocky Balboa and I nearly peed myself when a Rocky’s trainer refers to his punches as “hurt bombs.” Awesome. Brando, Kyle, and myself made the drive to see the greatest dinner show that has graced this earth: Medieval Times™. Oh my goodness was I not disappointed. We fortunately were placed in the section to cheer for the red knight. We cheered our brains out while slurping down Dragon Soup and Miller High Life™. (Observation: Miller High Life™ is so water-downed that it seriously tastes like they filled our mugs with water and dropped a hop in it. That’s right, a hop.) Our cheering was not enough. The red knight took a swift broadsword to the belly, spewing forth his entrails on the dusty floor. Okay maybe he got lightly tapped in the stomach by the flat side of the sword and returned later miraculously unharmed to meet and greet his fans at The Roundtable Bar™. Afterwards, we met and greeted the red night at The Roundtable Bar™ while being pleasantly surprised to learn that Medieval Times™ does in fact contain a dance floor. A dance floor that was playing Usher’s critically acclaimed dance club hit, “Yeah.” Please picture this folks. The majority of the audiences present at Medieval Times™ are white upper-class tourists. Seeing moms and dads letting loose on the Medieval Times™ dance floor was a sight I hope not to soon forget.
Brandon Krunk dancing the heck out of the Medieval Times™ dance floor
After this adventure, Brandon and I drove to Arizona to meet the parents. We got to play golf with my dad, which was a grand time. The Hilliard family then lit up New Years Eve with a party that Scottsdale, AZ will never forget. We played Texas Hold-Em’™ to 12:00AM and were asleep by 12:05AM. Brandon and I had to cut our trip short due to some auditions. We drove 6 hours back to LA and arrived in our apartment at 3AM. On the audition note, I would like to say that I auditioned and got the part as the teenage boy in a short film of The Giving Tree. I’m super excited. Well, Brandon and I start improve classes at the groundlings this week. I am excited/nervous to try my hand at improve. We will see. Also, Brandon and I are currently looking for night jobs, so prayer in that department would be amazing. Ending note: my mom would wake us up everyday when Brandon and I were living at home. She never skipped a beat when we were at the hotel:

Love you mom

Love, The Twins

Thursday, December 07, 2006

ArGhh!!! I Guess We Be Still Gelllin' Gellin'

Dearest readers,

I first wanted to apologize for the slowness to blog. Thanksgiving was freaking amazing. It was so awesome to see some of my friends nd family again. I had such a good time. Here's lots of pics to show you:

A lot has been a happenin'. I did a x-box spec commercial. A spec commercial is something production companys do to be reel's for their portfolio or to actually pitch to the actual compnay, in this case, Microsoft. I'm just a minor spot. I just skateboarded down a path seven times and was done. Sheesh this buisiness is tough. I'll give you guys the link to the video when they are down editing it. Brandon and I also did a short with Nick Thune for Comedy Central. A lot of fun was had. The climax and pinnacle of that day was meeting and working with Mad TV's Mo Collins:

Man she is so cool. She talked with us and we joked around with her with the characters above. They are basically more realistic versions of Thurston and Virgil. Their names are Scott and LeDanaian Eschelmen and they work in the IT department at Meril Lynch in Temecula, CA. So sweet. Brandon and I then worked on a set for Pirates of the Carribean 3. I can't say too much, because the family-friendly people at the Disney Corporation will sue me to kingdom come if I leak anything. Well I will leak a little to wet your appetites. Being on a set of a multi-billion dollar set is absolutely incredible. Hair and make-up was also outstanding as you can see from the job they did on me:

Awesome. I will also tell you that Brandon got hand selected to be part of the scene so there is a really good chance you will see him in the movie. He even had his own stunt double! Brandon and I also somehow got selected to a callback for that Dr. Scholl's Gellin' commercial. So went to that to find out that there are many, many good-looking white male twins in the LA area. Brandon and I were by far the youngest there and were a bit confused why we would be called back. Our hearts leaped as we saw that they had newly written nerd twins into the commercial. It kind of sucked because we don't really look like nerds normally so we hope the director has some sort of imagination. We had to pop up in front of the "cool" twins and say in a nerdy vocie, "We're Gellin' Gellin'!" Probably Brando's and my finest performance ever on this earth. So again, I would be very very suprised if we ever get called back for that one. Side note* Brandon and I got to witness the acting of two other sets of twins and they were horrible. I mean, I don't want to be mean, but DANG. One set couldn't ever get the one line right after 7 takes. It just reinforced the notion that commercial acting is all about look, which is what I would suspect. It just kind of bothers me that there are really talented people out there that can't get work because they don't look right. Take for instance the two African American female twins we read with in the first audition. They were amazing but didn't get called back because they were black. Just made me think a bit. Brandon and I hve nothing really lined up in the upcoming weeks so it will be all quiet on the Western Front for sure. Can I let you guys in on a little secret? Because Brandon and I can;t get jobs yet due to the fact we will be gone 2 1/2 weeks out of december, I have nerded out to the extreme...I brought my Playstation 1 out and popped in a little Final Fantasy 7 and just wnet to town.

I mean I go online and look up strategy guides so I can learn how to get secret materia and to level up the summon magic Knights of the Round Table. Wow, I just can;t figure out why Brandon and I don't have girlfriends. I mean, what girl doesn't like to come over and watch me beat Sepiroth in a little FF7? Seriously, if you do, comment and i'll save you a seat.

- The Twins


I had to edit this post because today on Melrose Ave we perfectly ran into Lil' John coming out of a foot locker. YEAH. Also, at Jed's apartment, we saw WWF starlet Chyna making out with some dude. She asked Brandon if the pool water was cold. Brandon asked her to powerbomb him. Ok, the last sentence didn't happen, but everything else did.

Only in Hollywood can you meet Lil John and Chyna in the same day.