Thursday, December 07, 2006

ArGhh!!! I Guess We Be Still Gelllin' Gellin'

Dearest readers,

I first wanted to apologize for the slowness to blog. Thanksgiving was freaking amazing. It was so awesome to see some of my friends nd family again. I had such a good time. Here's lots of pics to show you:

A lot has been a happenin'. I did a x-box spec commercial. A spec commercial is something production companys do to be reel's for their portfolio or to actually pitch to the actual compnay, in this case, Microsoft. I'm just a minor spot. I just skateboarded down a path seven times and was done. Sheesh this buisiness is tough. I'll give you guys the link to the video when they are down editing it. Brandon and I also did a short with Nick Thune for Comedy Central. A lot of fun was had. The climax and pinnacle of that day was meeting and working with Mad TV's Mo Collins:

Man she is so cool. She talked with us and we joked around with her with the characters above. They are basically more realistic versions of Thurston and Virgil. Their names are Scott and LeDanaian Eschelmen and they work in the IT department at Meril Lynch in Temecula, CA. So sweet. Brandon and I then worked on a set for Pirates of the Carribean 3. I can't say too much, because the family-friendly people at the Disney Corporation will sue me to kingdom come if I leak anything. Well I will leak a little to wet your appetites. Being on a set of a multi-billion dollar set is absolutely incredible. Hair and make-up was also outstanding as you can see from the job they did on me:

Awesome. I will also tell you that Brandon got hand selected to be part of the scene so there is a really good chance you will see him in the movie. He even had his own stunt double! Brandon and I also somehow got selected to a callback for that Dr. Scholl's Gellin' commercial. So went to that to find out that there are many, many good-looking white male twins in the LA area. Brandon and I were by far the youngest there and were a bit confused why we would be called back. Our hearts leaped as we saw that they had newly written nerd twins into the commercial. It kind of sucked because we don't really look like nerds normally so we hope the director has some sort of imagination. We had to pop up in front of the "cool" twins and say in a nerdy vocie, "We're Gellin' Gellin'!" Probably Brando's and my finest performance ever on this earth. So again, I would be very very suprised if we ever get called back for that one. Side note* Brandon and I got to witness the acting of two other sets of twins and they were horrible. I mean, I don't want to be mean, but DANG. One set couldn't ever get the one line right after 7 takes. It just reinforced the notion that commercial acting is all about look, which is what I would suspect. It just kind of bothers me that there are really talented people out there that can't get work because they don't look right. Take for instance the two African American female twins we read with in the first audition. They were amazing but didn't get called back because they were black. Just made me think a bit. Brandon and I hve nothing really lined up in the upcoming weeks so it will be all quiet on the Western Front for sure. Can I let you guys in on a little secret? Because Brandon and I can;t get jobs yet due to the fact we will be gone 2 1/2 weeks out of december, I have nerded out to the extreme...I brought my Playstation 1 out and popped in a little Final Fantasy 7 and just wnet to town.

I mean I go online and look up strategy guides so I can learn how to get secret materia and to level up the summon magic Knights of the Round Table. Wow, I just can;t figure out why Brandon and I don't have girlfriends. I mean, what girl doesn't like to come over and watch me beat Sepiroth in a little FF7? Seriously, if you do, comment and i'll save you a seat.

- The Twins


I had to edit this post because today on Melrose Ave we perfectly ran into Lil' John coming out of a foot locker. YEAH. Also, at Jed's apartment, we saw WWF starlet Chyna making out with some dude. She asked Brandon if the pool water was cold. Brandon asked her to powerbomb him. Ok, the last sentence didn't happen, but everything else did.

Only in Hollywood can you meet Lil John and Chyna in the same day.


Blogger Katherine Laine said...

Your pirate make-up reminds me more of the Gogans from Pete's Dragon than of a pirate.

It looks awesome either way!

1:25 PM  

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