Thursday, January 25, 2007

Uh - Uh- UhUhUh - UPDATE!!!!

Dearest Readers,

Why hello there, it's good to see you again. Let the randomness ensue. Brandon and I got a call from our agent a day before our cousin's wedding, letting us know that we had an audition to play the twin sons of Bob Vance on our favorite show, The Office:

We neerly pooped and peed our pants. We left at night and drove 6 hours back from Arizona and promptly arrived in Hollywood at 3:30 AM. We were a little dissappointed when we arrived at the audition. The script asked for to twins 20-29 who were tall. The actor who plays Bob Vance is 6'4. Brandon and I play teenagers and are a staggering 5'8. Well, we did do the audition anyway. Let's just say the audition involved me calling Michael Scott a "douchebag." Wonderful. We started our classes with the Groundlings. Let me tell you, improv classes will kick you right in the taint. The Groundlings have tons of rules you have to memorize while trying to improv. Our class pretty much got their butts handed to them. Well, it is a learning experience. To my suprise, we had a sub teacher the first day and guess who it was:

That's right. Mindy Sterling. You might remember her as Frau Farbissina from the Austin Powers' movies. She is super nice and fun. Awesome. I auditioned for a part in a Jon Heder (Nepoleon Dynomite) movie to basically make-out with his love interest in the movie. I didn't get it but they wanted me to play the make-out guy's best friend. So I am in the shot and the director wanted me to make fun of Jon, but then later changed his mind and told me I couldn't say any lines. Talk about some blue balls. He should have just kicked me in the nards. Anyway, I at least got to talk with Jon Heder and see Jeff Daniels, so that was neat. Brandon auditioned to be an emo kid on a new pilot by Barats and Bereta ( Those are the guys who make all those youtube videos. Anyway, we dresed up brandon all emo and he went for it. He got called today with the casting director telling him that he is on hold, or on a veil. This means Brandon basically has the part but they are waiting for other stuff to be more concrete (script, location, etc.) So Brandon might actually get to be in a pilot episode for their show, which is cool. Hopefully it gets picked up. Let's see. Oh yeah. For the last two weeks, Brandon and I have tried to find night jobs pretty much anywhere and have ridden the Rejection Railroad home everytime. We can't even get busser jobs. I have a $100,000 private college degree yet I'm not qualified to clean someone's dirty dishes. Go figure. Please pray for nightjobs. Also, Nick Thune called us and asked us to write a short for him. So Brandon and I have been working on that a lot. We love it. It's what we really want to do here, so that's awesome. Hopefully we actually end up doing it. Random note: Today I had an audition for AXE body spray that consisted of this: I had to sit in a chair while a girl behind me pretended to pour whip cream down my face. Next, I had to pretend I was on fire while the girl tried to put me out with a fire extinguisher. I went ballistic. I screamed at the top of my lungs and spazed out to the extreme. When I left everyone in the casting studio was staring at me. I love Hollywood. Anyway, we've been missing the heck out of our friends and family. Keep praying for us, we need it.


The Twins


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