Saturday, November 18, 2006

We're Not Just Gellin', We're Gellin' Gellin' if You Understand What We're Telling

Dearest Friends,

This is my second time writing this blog. I finished and hit spell check and the screen went blank. A big poop on your face goes out to for that. AWWWW. Well it happend. Brandon and I were on national television for .000000012 of a second in a blurry picture. I have to be honest. Brando and I were initially very disappointed at the editorial decisions of the staff on Bones. I mean, come on Bones, milk the sweet twin teet while it's still lactating. Thanks so much for your guys encouragement. Hearing about the pink house party made us smile :) Though being disappointed at first, Brandon and I cheered up because we could leave this whole experience with this:

Why is that TV legend David Boreanaz holding our picture? I think it is. Awesome. The best part of that episode was that computer sequence showing me breaking Brandon's hip in the container. AHAHHA. Alright, here comes the randomeness. I auditioned for a JoJo music video this past week. It was one of the most AWKWARD experiences of my life. Holly Wolfe read this. First of all, I didn't know who JoJo was. After a simple google search, I did:

To start things off, I let out a pretty rank fart at the sign-ins and the casting director totally called me on it. So I let out nervous farts, so what? Ok. They usher a fake band (I'm auditioning for the guitar player) into a room with JoJo, her mom, and a camera guy. The guy tells us to pantamime (fake play) to a song we have never heard before. They hand me an out of tune costco acoustic guitar with no strap. They start the song and to my pleasure I find THERE IS NO GUITAR IN THE SONG. Nope. It's a slow ballad. So get this. I am fake playing a guitar with no strap to a slow ballad I have never heard which contains no guitar whatsoever. I mean i'm swaying my hips and closing my eyes, feeling this chart-busting masterpiece. They abruptly stop the music and usher us out. I try to let out a nervous fart to let JoJo have something to remember me by, but my quivery colon came up empty. Brandon and I also auditioned for a Dr. Scholl's Gellin' commercial. This was also very interesting. The target age for the twins they are looking for is mid 30's. That's why Brandon and I got an audition. What? Well, we were matched with mid thirty african american female twins and had to say the title of this blog. I'm not going to say anything because it might hurt our chances at getting the commercial. I really doubt they will use us but if they ever want to hit the younger target buyer's market for orthotics, I am sure they'll give us a call. I am road tripping back to Puyallup for Shanesgiving.

Gosh I miss ya bud. So hopefully I will get to see some of you. Oh yeah, for all of you in Seattle it was 84 degrees today. Eat it. Both Brandon and I have had some serious homesickness issues. We miss you guys so much. Thanks so much for the gift box. It was awesome. It looked like it had a rough time getting here however:

HAHAHHhahahah. Brandon and I also got fired from background work because of conflicts with auditions, so we have no jobs now. I mean I still work at S-Bux, but can hardly make enough to live on. Please pray for jobs, wisdom, and integrity. We miss you all!

The Twins


Blogger Unknown said...

Your Ballard 318 family is proud of you! Go get 'em! Let us know when you're going to be on tv next. I think you should try to get stranded on Lost next! - Sarah

10:27 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Hello my American Cousins! You guys are really doing it eh? I'm so proud of you guys you have no idea! I showed your pics to your little second cuz, and he was like, 'wow I want to be just like them when I grow up'..well..he didn't say that..because he only says things like..'ball' and...'ball'..he's only 17 months old man what do you expect? Anywho, I hope you guys continue to be successfull in pursuing your dreams, and you are in my thoughts and prayers!

11:29 PM  
Blogger tim said...

"feeling this chart-busting masterpiece" I will use this line from now on. You guys are rad and the effort you put for in life is also of equal radness. I'm happy for you guys, but miss the dickens out of ya. no really. continue to inspire while perspiring love and wisdom to all. with so much love it hurts....Tim

2:39 AM  

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