Saturday, May 26, 2007

Insert Clever Title Here

Dearest Readers,

Salutation to your faces. Let's begin with the old and move forward, eh? I randomly got a call from Tommy Snider about going to a Shiny Toy Guns concert for free. Apparently, he had an extra VIP pass. I ran down to Hollywood and Vine and went in. It was amazing. Afterwords, we got to go back stage and hang out with the band. I hung out mostly with Tommy's new mananger, because we didn't know anyone. We joked around a lot and I think I made a good impression. Then I come to find out he's an ex-agent for ICM, probably one of the biggest and well know agencies in the industry. Possible future? Who knows? Patrick and Taylor came and visited us which blew my socks straight off my lil tosies. It was great lying in the sun and watching Patrick through some game at a girl that was sun-bathing. Watch out ladies, Patrick is SMOOTH. Here's a pic of us at the UCB theater:
Well after this lil ordeal, b and I paid a visit to good ol Washington to see the p-rents and some good friends. When I got of the plane, I was astonished at how clean and fresh the air was. It was amazing to see all my friends and family again. It was great to see people doing normal things. It feels everything but normal here in Hollywood, which I am slowly figuring out is not really a good thing. MAN it was good to see you all. We threw a dance party and Tay spun on some of his new digital turn tables. Being back was very interesting. You have your friends but it's just not the same. Being out of people's lives for nine months and jumping in is a very peculiar thing. I guess I just forget that people are constantly changing as well as myself. It's kind of sad thing really, even though it is bound to happen. I would like to be part of my friends lives, but the truth is that i'm here in Hollywood, and most of them are in Washington moving on with their lives. I miss my friends. I guess it's just sort of a mourning process. Here's some pics.
Alrighty Then. Some Hollywood news. Well it's dead season for the ol' industry, so there is not much to tell. Well, there is a couple of things. I got to audition for a new show called, "Heartland." I was auditioning for a part of a teenager who walks into a video arcade, blows a bunch of people away, then blows himself away. How the heck do you audition for that? By the way, the character's name is Duane. Well I go in and the director is like "hey dude, sit down. Where ya from?" "Seattle" "No way dude, I'm from Capital Hill." "Really?" "Cool man, well we just wanted to see you and your personality, thanks for auditioning." "WTF?" How the heck are you supposed to find if an actor can pull off an intense scene like that by one question, "Dude, where you from?" Should have I pulled out an imaginary gun and screamed, "I'm from the deep recesses of Hell, dude, and I need some new neighbors!" and just pretend to blow away their whole production crew? Oh, Hollywood. Brandon got to audition for a Skittles commercial in which he got to wear fake utters. Kewl. Well, apparently Brandon made it into the final cut of Pirates 3 so go watch him get hung. YAY!

We also got a new camera and have made a couple of videos. They are called "Don't Do the Drugs" and "Remember Memorial Day." Check them out:

Our lease is up in early August, and we have to make a decision to stay here or go home. It's a pretty dang tough decision. B is pretty much set on going home. I'm still debating. I'm really not sure. I don't really feel pulled in one way or the other. I've been applying for positions at Warner Bros, Lionsgate Films and others, but to no avail. Please pray for decernment and wisdom for B and I. I will write another blog about our decisions and try to recap the year. For now, I'll leave you with a creepy Dad pic.

Thanks dad.
The Twins


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