Sunday, April 22, 2007

Smart Slacks and Gauntlets

Dearest Readers,

Hello there from Hollywood land. Things have been going a lot better than the last 3 months. Heres why. I actually booked a national Levis' commercial. Here's the story. I auditioned for the commercial over 3 months ago and never heard back. about two weeks ago I got a random call from my agent telling me I was on avail (availablity) for the commercial. I was super stoked. Two days later I got called from my agent telling me I was taken off an avail and needed to audition again. So I drove over to Santa Monica and auditioned again. I had to pretend I was shy and improv with a girl at a bar. Apparently they liked it and I got called and hour later by my agent telling me that I was back on avail. So then I actually got officially booked like 2 days later. Hurray. So I went to the fitting and every other principal in the commercial are professional models. They all got fitted and tailored for sweet looking Levis. I looked at the sign in sheet and next to my name was the character name "geek." So they fitted me with slacks and a yellow button-up shirt complete with a backpack as big as me. Apparently I look like a geek...So the commercial. It was a night shoot and they closed down Melrose for it. My call time was 9pm but I didn't shoot till 5:30 AM. So after hair and make-up, I just sat in a trailor for 8 hours. I was getting really worried they were going to skip my part because it was 5:30AM and the sun was starting to come up. But htey called me and rushed to do my shots before the sun came up...Oh...I had to bump into the lead girl...yup..that's it...two auditions to bump into a girl. Awesome...I found out the cinematographer for the comercial is the one that did Pan's Labyrnth - the one that wom an academy award. Also, the make-up lady did hair and make up for Grindhouse. So apparently Levis dumped tons of money into hopefully I actaully make the final cut of the commercial. It show sometime during the summer. Gosh I hope I don't get edited out. Anyway, that is a huge's some pics:
Here I am with Taylor (cool guy). I love my smart slacks and backpack.
Here I am with the main girl from the commercial. It was fun bumping into her. Sometimes I threw some bows to keep her on her toes.

To do that commercial I had to join SAG (Screen Actors Guild) which is a pretty big deal. The joing fee is normally around 1500$. So I went to the SAG office and the lady is like "That will be 2300$." I about pooped and peed. So I had to pretty much empty my bank account, but I am finally in a guild. Yay. Travis Wals came for a visit and we had a super fun time. He came on an audition with us for Snickers. We also went to see MadTV do improv. It was so good seeing a really good friend again. Here's a pic:

Wow he is a handsome man. A handsome SINGLE man. Ladies? Gentlemen?

Ummm...Brandon got to audition for the show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. He is supposed to play a stoner. Kewl. He hasn't heard anything back yet. I went to a lumberjack b-day party for Jared Hanson. Here's some pics:

Fun times. Brandon and I have been writing some sketches to perform at the UCB (Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater). It was been fun. THe short we wrote for Nick Thune is actually looking like it is going to be produced, so we are excited for that. Let's just say I've already bought an adult gauntlet and a skeleton arm. We are coming home May 2- May 9th, so Seattle get ready! thank you so much for your prayers and everything. Be sure to pray for VT. Also, pick up a copy of the new album from The Almost. It's really good!
The Twins