Sunday, October 29, 2006

More Fun With Matthew Perry

Dearest Readers,

It has been very eventfull the last couple of weeks. Brandon got an audition to play an emo kid for a USC Grad film. However, upon receiving the sides, Brandon discovered he was supposed to be gay and had a kissing scene with another guy. Brandon missed the audition.

I had some more fun with TV legend Matthew Perry. I was doing background work for Studio 60 and for some reason I got casted as a writer. I've never seen a surfer boy who looks 16 as a writer but I am not the casting director. In the scene, I had to sit at my desk and pretend I was answering e-mail. Matthew Perry had to start right next to me. He had his real cell phone out inbetween takes when the director yelled "rolling!" (which means we are gonna film soon). Matthew Perry set his cell phone right next to my hand on my desk. The director yelled "action!" and Matt did the scene. The phone was too tempting. I picked Matthew Perry's cell phone up and pretended like I was talking on it during the whole scene. I quickly put it back after the scene was cut and no one was the wiser. I wish I had more time, because I would have liked to go through his phone book....Jennifer Aniston and I need to have a serious talk about why she can't seem to find the love of her life. Hehehehe. Also, during the whole filming that day I wrote a script entitled, "Studio 60: The Zombies and Ninjas Fight Back". It describes a scene where Matthew Perry and Amanda Peet are pinned into an office by a hoard of zombies and ninjas. Anyway, Amanda Peet's zombie body eventually cuts Matthew Perry's head off. An assistant director saw the script and read it. He said it was better writing than anything on Studio 60. He asked to keep it and I said yes as long as he ran it pass Matthew Perry. He said he didn't have that jurisdiction so I just let him have it. Oh yeah, I was on hte OC again and I was supposed to play a raver. Little did I know that I would spend 45 min. in hair and make-up to look like David Bowie.

Ch ch ch changes!

Also, Brandon and I did the big send out! We got all our headshots and resumes and sent them out to a bunch of agents to have a little gander over. It took a lot of time, work, and $$$. We're excited to see what happens. We miss you guys a lot. Thank you guys so much for your prayers and support. Kyle, that Raven Simone poster made my day :).

Untill Next Time,

The Twins

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We Got Grounded...

Dear Friendlings,

I am very excited to tell you all that Brandon and I auditioned for the professional classes at the Groundlings (A great improv group) and got in! So we will be starting classes there in January (A long time far far away). Brandon and I also got some smart looking headshots! We are currently paying out of our arsses for copies to do The Great Mail Out. That's right, we are gonna see if we can get an agent. Should be interesting...Exciting note. Brandon and I went out to an open call to be pirates in Pirates of the Carribean III. The casting directors asked us to take a photo with our shirts off and suggested we try to be Abercrombie models instead of pirates. We proceeded to tell him that it's the pirate's life for us. We don't want to walk around in our underware, we want to plunder booty and get scurvy. Brandon has been doing some auditioning for student films and such. I try but never get any. He was always the talented one. I'm the brains and he's the sexy. On a more serious note, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I feel like I have been cought up in the LA atmosphere. I worry about $$$ and how to further myself all the time. I feel like I'm concentrating on myself way too much. It goes to show I don't really trust God too much. I act as though He doesn't know what he's doing or that He can provide. I want to keep my motives straight. Brandon and I came down here because we wanted to give humor to others. We felt that we were gifted to help others relax and have a good time. I lose sight of that a lot. It's a giving thing, not a receiving...On a pissed off note...I got a 50$ ticket because my car was on the wrong side of the road on street sweeping day. Sigh. It's not a service to the city. They do it so they can fine forgetful people like myself. This city is a giant garbage can. Pushing the trash off to the side doesn't fix anything...ARGH! Here's a pic to show my feelings to the parking ticket and the City of Los Angeles! It's not a Christian appropriate but arn't we allowed to get pissed off and make a crude gesture to an inanimate object? I'm bitter.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Matthew Perry Has a Dirty Mouth

Dear readers,

Wanted to apologize for the lack of bloggin'. We just purchased a digital camera so you will soon be seeing more pictures. As for the website, we will be adding more pics. We have no way to really make any videos, so I have no idea the next time we will be able to update those. Ok, back to the action. Brandon and I received two SAG vouchers for the Bones thing, so we each need one more to join SAG. We met a guy from Puyallup on a set whose name is Jed Williams. He's awsome. So I was shooting for Studio 60, and one of the "stars" is Matthew Perry. He kept screwing up his lines and then in a dead silent moment, he yelled, "MOTHER F*#KER!" I couldn't stop laughing. So funny to hear Chandler Bing start talking like a sailor. I also want to mention that yesterday on ER, I got to cross in a shot in front of John Stamos. That's right, uncle Jessie himself ahahah. Brandon and I had our first audition this past week for a Nike commercial. It was fun but we were really unproffesional. We didn't have headshots or a resume plus we didn't dress the same. All the other twins dressed the same and most of them brought their managers. It was a learning experience to say the least. I had fun because the audition was basically us goofing off in front of a camera for 5 minutes. We didn't get called back hehehhe. Everything is going pretty well. Brandon and I are doing extra work full time and trying to book audtions. We are getting headshots this week. Also, our audition for the Groundlings is this upcoming Friday. Classes have already started, so after the audition, we will have to wait 2-3 months for another cycle to start. We want to try to get on at an agency, but I feel we will have trouble because we have no resume. We did high school plays, that's about it. So we will see. We still hang at the Ryan's house from time to time. That's always fun. We havn't had too much time to do stand up but we do it about every two weeks. Random note: I shot for he season fenale of Survivor and I know who wins...hahahahah...but I signed 3 pages of documents saying I wouldn't tell you. I got paid 100$ to skateboard in the back of the shots for 3 hours at Venice Beach. Pretty good day of work. Keep your prayers up. We miss you all badly!